
Correspondent Desk



Hon’ble Correspondent

Mr. Nadimuthu I is an eminent person and has well involvement in 35 years educational service. In the current context of rapid changes that is taking place in our country, all activities directed towards economic advancements are required to be addressed with highest priority.

In this effort, it is also imperative to prepare social engineers, who could contribute to and manage the needs of the society with equanimity of mind and an attitude of selfless social service.

We trust with experience in the field of education and social service has always been focussing its efforts at this very important activity of nation building.

Our faculty members do support and play a vital role in the overall development of our students and the institute. We firmly believe that we shall be counted amongst the best at the state level in the years to come.

In all our efforts, we seek the Lord's Grace to keep us on the path of virtue, courage and wisdom. May the grace and blessings flow through us in all our efforts to make better quality engineers, who can make a positive impact in our society and help to build our nation.